
An idle mind is the debil's workshop.

I will make thickness in the center. That's why I will attack invading stones in my thickness. 

My 56th KGS game (vs [7k], 2 stones game, B)

I had thought that I could easily kill the white group in the center before white playing attachment at L7.

I read block at L6 first. It would happen the battle of ko at A, because the black would be cut at M6. 

That's why I played wedge at L8 without thinking.

The white group easily connected to the group in the lower side...

On the contrary, the black group in the center was in clutch.

Fortunately, the black group escaped death, because of some mistakes of the opponent. And I won.

All moves are here.

I have to think much further.


Good bye Diamond!

I'll stop to use the Diamond Opening, because it must lead to the Cosmic Style. I love the Cosmic Style. It's difficult to make full use of it, though. 

My 46th KGS game (vs [10k], Komi: 0.5, W)

I made thickness in the center. That's why I thought I was leading. However...

The opponent broke the white fence at the right side from paying wedge at A. Although I thought  it was even at that time.

However the white fence at the left side was broken too...

I resigned. All moves are here.

The Cosmic Style is too difficult! I'll stop to use the Diamond Opening!

Good bye the Diamond Opening!


Ko is so difficult.

I'm weak on ko. I feel myself compelled to make ko without thinking. I always lose ko, because I make a mistake in some ko threats. How about you?

My 44th KGS game (vs [5k], 4 stones game, B)

This is the situation that I tried ko at O12. I thought that the ko was important for the white rather than me.

However, I made a mistake in response to a ko threat of the white. I had to play not extend at 2 but atari at 3.

After that, I thought that I had to win the capturing race of O10 black group against Q11 white group.

That's why, I played the block at S12. However, it's losing move, because the white captured the ko at the next move. I had to connect the ko at A before playing the block. If so, I would win the capturing race.

After all, I resigned.

All moves are here.

I lost the game too because of losing a ko.

I dislike ko!


Every journey begins with a single step.

I bother myself lately. Why don't I become strong? Although I read some books about the life and death problem everyday!

Meanwhile I played three games in short term. I write about a game of them. 

My 42nd KGS game (vs [11k], Komi: 0.5, W)


It is the situation that I tried to kill the big black group in the center. The next possible play is A, B or C. How do you play?

I chose clamp at B. Actual sequence of moves are below.


I thought that the C6 white group was almost safe by the 7th play. And I thought that I could kill the big black group.

The subsequent moves are below.


Actually, the C6 white group lived and the opponent resigned at no distant play.

All moves are here.

I thought that the situation of Fig.1 was most important of the game. I reviewed deeply the play at A, B and C.

At first, I write about clamp at B of Fig.1.


If the black played the best moves after the 7th move of Fig.2, the big black group would live.

Second, about hane at A.

While I played the game, I thought ko would result. However, if the black played the best move, the big black group would live also. 

Third, about wedge at C.


During playing the game, I thought the big black group could live easily. However, it would come up a capturing race.

Fig.6 is too difficult for me and I think Fig.4 is better than Fig.5. In my conclusion, at the situation of Fig.1, to play clamp at B is the best.

I'm happy that I could choose the correct play in short time during the game.
Did I become strong?

Finally, I write a play indicated by a computer in the review.


If the black cut at A, the center white group or Q12 white group will be killed. For avoiding it, I had to play hane at B to kill R11 black three stones.

I never noticed it during the game.
I became strong only a little...