
Can you allow your opponent to undo?

It seems that many players aren't able to allow the opponent to undo.

I never undo for the world. I think that the blundering play is also in my own. I never allow me to undo, if it's an accidental click.

Although, I'm not so concerned about that the opponent undoes.
Because I think that it's not good for acquiring skills that I get win by the opponent's mistake. If the opponent undoes, I can get the chance for improving my skills.

A game in KGS is nothing more than one of the normal game, even if it's a ranked game. I don't lose whatever, if I lose the game. I don't have to win the game by whatever means.

It's more important that I improve my skill than that I win a game.

Anyway, what does seem sure is that
the player who undoes can't become strong.















問題は白1だが、 たぶんH3の黒2子を取れると思って欲張ったのではないだろうか。手拍子で打ったら、いかにも私もやってしまいそうな手だ。って言うか、よくやってしまう。



I hate Mirror Go.

Mirror go became a topic in a board about computer go in Japan from last December to this month. Do you know mirror go?

"It refers to all go openings in which one player plays moves that are diagonally opposite those of this opponent, making positions that have a rotational symmetry through 180° about the central 10-10 point (by Wikipedia)".

For example, it's as bellow.

There are some techniques to break mirror go. For example, it's a technique using moves of ladder.

But computers can not use the techniques consciously. That's why, some bad player can use mirror go against strong computers.

There are some mirror go at KGS in last December. Maybe it's influenced by the topic in the board.

I have played only one game at which the opponent used mirror go. I was very bored in the game. I can not understand the mind of the players who use mirror go.

Is it fun?